AI and ML for Finance Practitioners

Quiz LO 2.3.1

Test your knowledge of LO 2.3.1


Question 1 of 3

1. Is the following statement true or false?

“Reinforcement Learning has four essential elements:
  • Agent: The program you train, with the goal of doing a job you specify.
  • Action: A move made by the agent, which causes a status change in the environment.
  • Environment: The world, real or virtual, in which the agent performs actions.
  • Rewards: The evaluation of an action, which can be positive or negative.”

Question 1 of 3

Question 2 of 3

2. What is the “agent” of a Reinforcing Learning task where a robot can teach itself to move more effectively by adapting its policy based on the rewards it receives?

Task:Controlling A Walking Robot.
Agent: \boxed{?}
Environment: The real world.
Action: One out of four moves: (1) forward; (2) backward; (3) left, and (4) right.
Reward: Positive when it approaches the target destination; negative when it wastes time, goes in the wrong direction or falls down.

Question 2 of 3

Question 3 of 3

3. Which of these statements incorrectly describes the differences between RL and supervised / unsupervised learning?

Statement I:“Static (supervised/unsupervised) Vs.Dynamic (RL)
– Static: The goal of supervised and unsupervised learning is to search for and learn about patterns in training data, which is quite static.
– Dynamic: RL is about developing a policy that tells an agent which action to choose at each step — making it more dynamic. “

Statement II:” RL is a Multiple-Decision Process while supervised learning is a single-decision process
– Reinforcement Learning is a multiple-decision process: it forms a decision-making chain through the time required to finish a specific job.
– Supervised learning is a single-decision process: one instance, one prediction.”

Question 3 of 3


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